It’s not who’s going to let me but who’s going to stop me…

I’m Starting A 30 Day Challenge… Here’s Why I’m Committed!

Profit Master Belize Ltd.


You wouldn’t want to see me right now, I mean, I am literally sweating while I am writing this blog and I’m in front of a fan. This is how nervous I am, not about accepting the 30-day challenge because I know the value of Legendary Marketer. The reason for my apprehension is actually because I will be writing content that will be published which is something I never thought of doing, EVER!

Anyway, my affiliate journey started a few months ago because of two reasons:

  1. I have been working the 8–5 grind in Belize for over 20 years and still, I have nothing concrete to show for my efforts.
  2. I really need more income than I am making at my current job.

Graduating from a dual degree program at Galen University, I received a Bachelor’s Degree in International Business with a concentration in Marketing from both Galen University in Belize and the University of Indiana in the United States. This venture cost me, and indirectly my family, around US$25,000.

Now, what are the fruits of my spoils you might ask? Truthfully, nothing more than head knowledge and two pieces of paper in a frame on a wall because at work, there is no promotion forthcoming, not even a raise in salary for the level of education obtained. Frustration is too nice of a word for what I was feeling a few months ago.

Then, because I have given my life to Christ, I began to realize that frustration, being angry, would not solve my problems. In fact, my destructive behavior was actually beginning to affect not only my professional life but my personal life. This is when I decided that enough is enough, change is necessary, there has to be a better way!

If I told you I could remember the exact day or the exact way I came across Legendary Marketer, I would be lying. The point is, however, I did come across there website and saw there offer for the 15-day challenge. At, US$7.00 for 15 days that could change your life, it was a no-brainer decision for me to register for the challenge.

I went on to finish the challenge, and although they offer their blueprints, which I still want to purchase when I have the money, I went through the entire 15 days challenged jam-packed with value for the same US$7.00 and not a penny more.

What I can say is that the challenge really changed my perspective of marketing. You see, my wife and I own a Facebook Page where we sell physical products like fast telephone chargers, FM transmitters, tactical pens, and Brazilian jewelry. Here is the link to our page, just for integrity’s sake:

All this while I was wondering why we were breaking even or below even with our sales, although we were selling what I thought was at a decent rate. I found out early in the training that in order to have a profitable online business, you need to have three things:

a. Customers

b. Repeat Customers

c. A Hight ticket offer

Although we had a and b, all that we were selling were low-ticket products to customers who already bought from us, already bonded and developed a trust with us, possibly bought more of the same thing or a similar thing a few times more but who ultimately wanted more than we are offering so we lost them in the long run. In the challenge, I also got a mentor, who I am not sure if I could name in this blog so I will just say this, he was the nicest, most humble, most helpful “stranger” I have ever spoken to. I say “stranger” because that is exactly what he was then and he treated me like a friend whom he has known for years.

After the challenge, I proceeded to buy the software tools that I needed to begin to promote Legendary Marketer. What I want to thank them for is that they did not sell me lies, putting on a facade that this would be easy or that Money would just start pouring in. They thought me a great work ethic and to seek support and never give up because it will all be worth it in the end.

Truthfully, I finished my funnel about a month ago and have paid for a Facebook Ad to promote it which brought leads but not sales. I have created my Youtube Channel but have not posted in a few weeks which is not what Legendary thought me. I know that I need to create a public persona and hence the reason I am here writing this blog; hence the reason I signed up for the boot camp; hence the reason I am entering the contest to meet up with Mr. Sharpe and the other masterminds; hence the reason I am committed to complete this challenge, learn to build free traffic for life and become the success I was born to be. My mentality has changed, my perspectives have changed, my priorities have shifted. I am all in!

The next step once success and I become great friends, is to become a mastermind and teach others to replicate my success. If this small town bor from Belize can do it, anyone can!

